Author: <span>Aditya</span>

Singleton Design Pattern

Singleton Design Pattern WHAT? In some cases, it is important to have exactly one instance of a class. Although you have many electric appliance in your house but you have only one main switch box for incoming electricity in house. You have only one control panel in your windows Operating system. There is only one payroll software system to handle paychecks. How do you ensure that you have only one instance of a class and that is also easily accessible? A global variable makes an object accessible but it does not prevent you from instantiating multiple objects. A better solution …

How to handle Mixed Content blocker in Firefox via WebDriver

In new version of Firefox, recently I encountered mixed content blocker where page given in specific frame was not loading. I noticed on the top of the screen in latest Firefox there is an icon on the top of the screen What is Mixed Content? You can find very detailed explanation on Mozilla support page but just for quick explanation if you don’t want to read there: “HTTP is not encrypted but HTTPS and if you have a http content into HTTPS page then there are chances that your content can be hacked and its known as Mixed content” How …

Abstract Class Vs Interface

Contract: Often, an API is referred as a framework. We will consider a contract as an agreement that requires a developer to comply with the specification of an Application Programming Interface (API). As per English dictionary meaning of contract; When using contracts, the developer is required to comply with the rules defined in the framework. This includes issues like method names, number of parameters, and so on. In short, standards are created to facilitate best practices for coding. Enforcement is vital because it is always possible for a developer to breach the contract. But in the absence of a contract, …