Category: <span>Selenium IDE</span>

Using Excel for data driven testing with WebDriver and C#.

For data driven testing we need to create some kind of repository like excel or xml or any database to save our test data. XML is most popular one becuae accessing XML is quite easy and there are various dlls are easily available which we can download and start using if our data is not that complex. In some case where we need to customize our test data in excels file. I tried to write a simple code using C# and read data in excel. follwing table is a sample data sheet in Excel. Excel DataFile: Name: TestDataFile.xlsx There are three …

Selenium Element locator and jQuery

In previous post we learned about Selenium IDE installation and its record and playback functionalities. When we were recording the test, we recorded script in table form with column; Command-Target-Value. Today we will try to understand these fields in detail and especially Target field as this is the most important component of web testing. We will actually identify the element to which we are going to access or test. First we will discuss about these fields: Command: As name explained itself, command is the action performed inside web browser during testing of application like click, clickAndWait, verify etc.. Target: Unique …

First Step Towards Selenium

This is a common question being search from engineers, how to start selenium Test. I am sure some of you who are reading this blog may aware of fundamentals of Selenium but I am am going to start from very basic of Selenium Scripting. So all newcomers, get ready from very beginning of selenium test. In this post I will try to explain about Selenium and how to configure IDE for testing. First we will try to understand how Selenium works and interact with Web browser and web element. Actually Selenium is a java script library who interacts with element …