Year: <span>2012</span>

Basic WebDriver and C# script for beginners

WebDriver Test using C# and Visual Studio 2013 Express. One of my videos is getting multiple hits for how to write WebDriver or selenium tests using C#. There are many tutorials available on the internet for Java but not many for WebDriver and C#. I will teach you how to write test scenario in C#. I have Visual Studio 2013 express edition. Step1: Create WebDriver Project Create new Project, and choose ‘Unit Test Project’, and give some name says; ‘AddItemToShoppingCart’ and hit the OK button. You will see following folder structure and if you open UnitTest1.cs, you will see the …

How to use WebDriver to handle dropdown or select tag

We can use regular webdriver command to handle most of webelements like check box, text box etc. but to handle dropdown or select element as given below [sourcecode language=”htm”] <select id="sel123"> <option value="my">My</option> <option value="name">Name</option> <option value="is">Is</option> <option value="admin">Admin</option> </select> [/sourcecode] you can use following code. [sourcecode language=”csharp”] IWebElement sTag = driver.FindElement(By.Id("sel123")); OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI.SelectElement selectTag = new OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI.SelectElement(sTag); selectTag.SelectByValue("admin"); //Or selectTag.SelectByText("Admin"); //Or selectTag.SelectByIndex(3); [/sourcecode] In case if you want to verify how many options are available in select tag then use following: [sourcecode language=”csharp”] var availableOptions = selectTag.Options; foreach (IWebElement item in availableOptions) { Console.WriteLine(item.Text); } [/sourcecode]

Selenium GRID and Nunit

Everyone asking about how to setup Selenium GRID. We were using Visual Studio to execute script which was kind of time consuming. It used to take minium 1.5 hours after every build. After that I implemented GRID and divided  tests into groups based on category and ran in parallel and achieved 66% improvement. Not bad ;). [gview file=””] If you have any question, I will try to answer. If you are using webdriver and want to use grid then you need to use remote webdriver instead. Every thing will be the same. Remember: If you try to use two instances …